MAY 2014



Thoughts for the Month


“The historical reality of the soul, unlike the soul represented by Christian theology, is not born in sin and subject to punishment, but is born rather out of methods of punishment, supervision, and constraint.”


“No [one] would have publicly advised his disciple, as did Erasmus in his Dialogues, on the choice of a good prostitute.”


Michel Foucault






The Bob performed live in Paris last night in the second Montmartre Dionysia, "A Lie Never Lives To Be Old," at the Petit Theatre du Bonheur in Montmartre. Check out the YouTube video.




Sabbath Sermonette


“Science is opposed to theological dogmas because science is founded on fact. The universe is simply a great machine which never came into being and never will end. Nothing enters our minds or determines our actions which is not directly or indirectly a response to stimuli beating upon our sense organs from without, and from the concordance of our reactions, understanding is born. What we call 'soul' or 'spirit,' is nothing more than the sum of the functionings of the body. When this functioning ceases, the 'soul' or the 'spirit' ceases likewise."

Nikola Tesla




Friday, May 2, Petit Theatre du Bonheur, Montmartre





It was a great weekend at the Montmartre Dionysia Theater Festival. Due to the cancellation of one of the main one-act plays, I got to act in one, entitled "Mixed Freestyle Farce," on the boat on Saturday night -- a separate one-act from that of Wednesday night. There were about one hundred people and it went very well. It was so nice to have a large audience. The video will be on YouTube by the end of the week. We also got to rehearse on the boat while it traveled from Juvisy (a half-hour by train outside of Paris) on the Seine to Paris near the Gare d'Austerlitz on the left bank. The slow-moving barge took about 3.5 hours to get to Paris. The evening was a big success! Then on Sunday, Chris Newens and Albert Alla, the two producers (Chris is also writer, director and actor), gave an "after-party" in their apartment for all the actors, directors and writers. All in all, it was a very fun weekend.


I also got to do an "anti-commercial" between two of the acts. The text is posted below. It was performed to the melody of Herman's Hermits' "I'm Henry the Eighth I am."



Lookin’ For a Wife, I Am

(To the tune of Herman Hermit's "I'm Henry the Eighth, I am")



I really wanna stay in Paris, so…


I’m lookin’ for a wife, I am

Lookin’ for a wife, I am, I am

She needn’t be the girl next door

Just so long as she ain’t a whore


For a bubble butt I’ll scream hooray

A six pack would be extraordin-ay

A bulge in the crotch would make me sway

But that’ll wait for another day, cuz


I’m lookin’ for a wife, I am

Lookin’ for a wife, I am, I am

She needn’t be the girl next door

Just so long as she ain’t a whore


I promise there’ll be no outlay

I’d say no way, to a bit of pay

And your legs I will not splay

Cuz in gay Paris I gotta stay, so


I’m lookin’ for a wife, I am

Lookin’ for a wife, I am, I am

She needn’t be the girl next door

And I don’t care if she is a whore


Cuz, I’m lookin’ for a wife, I am

Lookin’ for a wife, I am, I am.






Saturday, May 3, on the boat, the Alternat, the Seine, Paris

Final night of the Montmartre Dionysia Theater Festival

"A Lie Never Lives To Be Old"

(Below, the boat, Alternat, and scenes from "Mixed Freestyle Farce")






More Photos from the Boat




Sabbath Sermonette

“The tears of the world are a constant quantity. For each one who begins to weep somewhere else another stops. The same is true of the laugh.”

Samuel Beckett, Waiting For Godot



Jeudi rapidE


It's 12:34 on Friday morning and it was another talent-filled night at Culture Rapide, the English-speaking open mic. These twenty- and thirty-somethings are immensely talented. They don't just sing or write or make videos -- they sing, play several instruments, write poetry and novels and plays, create photos and videos and films. They are all very impressive and bound to be very successful. (Of course, I get to be the Daddy figure!!!)


Tonight I read a recent poem that I think is funny!


Deviant Love


My loving husband

My adoring wife



Proposals on bended knee 

Diamond solitaires


Club Med

Romeo and Juliet

Love Story

My kid got straight A’s at 

Happy Family Elementary School

The Holy Family

When a Man Loves a Woman

Kissing on the metro

Holding hands in the park

Shakespeare in Love


Breakfast at Tiffany’s

An Affair to Remember

Last Tango in Paris


Doctor Zhivago


Tristan and Isolde

West Side Story

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

7 Brides for 7 Brothers

Beauty and the Beast

General Foods International Coffees


I’m a liberal

Sometimes open-minded

But you gotta stop FLAUNTING it!

Dorothy Parker's obiter dictum:

“Heterosexuality isn’t normal,

It’s just common.”

Be careful what you say

Children will listen

Some will be confused.





RealLife Satire

(When Life Becomes a Parody of Itself)


And, once again, the catholics take the top just can't make this stuff up...or you'd be institutionalized!


Pope OKs miracle for Paul VI in sainthood process

By FRANCES D'EMILIO for the Associated Press [Abridged]

View gallery

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Paul VI, who did much to modernize the Roman Catholic Church but pronounced a ban on artificial contraception which was widely defied by the faithful, has moved a step closer to sainthood with Pope Francis' official confirmation of a miracle.  Beatification is the last formal step before possible sainthood.  Paul disappointed many Catholics who were hoping for liberalization of church teaching on sexuality.  Paul VI enshrined the church's teaching against artificial contraception in the 1968 encyclical "Humanae Vitae" ("of human life”). 

One miracle is required for beatification, and traditionally a second for canonization. The Vatican, as is its custom, didn't give details about the miracle which must be certified by doctors as having no medical explanation.  Italian media have reported that the miracle was that of a boy born healthy in California despite the diagnoses in 2001 of the rupture of the fetal bladder and absence of amniotic liquid. The mother reportedly refused an abortion and prayed for Paul VI's intercession at the urging of a nun. The baby was born a month prematurely and is now a healthy adolescent, the news reports said.

Paul VI disposed of many of the privileged trappings of the papacy, anticipating Francis' disdain for stuffiness and fanciness at the Vatican.  He still allowed use of the papal throne, and looked frail and uncomfortable as he arrived for the funeral of assassinated Italian politician Aldo Moro in Rome in 1978 in the chair perched on the shoulders of 12 men. He was under fire from the Moro family who thought he didn't do enough to save the leader despite having made a public plea "on my knees" for Moro's release by Red Brigades kidnappers.




World News:  "200+ Girls Abducted in Nigeria by Islamists"

   Abraham    +     Moses  +

   Jesus    +    Muhammed


= Evil



profoundly immoral and malevolent; (of a force or spirit) embodying or associated with the forces of the devil; harmful or tending to harm; (of something seen or smelled) extremely unpleasant.


profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, esp. when regarded as a supernatural force; manifestation of this, esp. in people's actions; something that is harmful or undesirable.





Nefarious News


Make your Mother proud and do something about this (from

9-out-of-10 Americans are ignorant about wealth distribution in the U.S.




Sui generis haikus


Religious people

believe in old fairy tales

shunning all reason


Jesus never was

nothing more than an old myth

fooling the masses


Mohammed is death

killing and raping his foes

as women suffer


Moses told lies

to an ignorant lost tribe

ever gullible


Abraham was mad

culpable of child abuse

and yet called father


The folly of myth

in seventeen syllables

cannot be expressed




A Lie Never Lives To Be Old

The Montmartre Dionysia Theater Festival 2

The Alternat, Quai Saint Bernard on the Seine

"Mixed Freestyle Farce"

Paris, May 3, 2014





New Photo of the Louvre Pyramid


The Louvre Pyramid decked out in red by artist Claude Leveque.

(Photo:  Eric Tenin:  Paris Daily Photo)



RealLife Satire

(When Life Becomes a Parody of Itself)


Pope Francis Believes that the Devil Exists



Catholic Church Training More Exorcists




Sabbath Sermonette


"I'm homosexual... How and why are idle questions. It's a little like wanting to know why my eyes are green."  “Erotic play discloses a nameless world which is revealed by the nocturnal language of lovers. Such language is not written down. It is whispered into the ear at night in a hoarse voice. At dawn it is forgotten.”

Jean Genet



(Found on FaceBook)





downtown SLAM


Another night at the French open mic/poetry slam.  I read a poem I had written, in French (see below, it is missing a few accents), and one of the guys, Mezian, was kind enough to correct it for me.  I have to listen so hard to understand as much of the spoken French as possible that by the second round I am exhausted and can barely understand a thing (although I'm up to about 25% comprehension)!  But this week, I was pleasantly surprised to be chatting with a number of the regulars.  I guess I am finally being accepted into this French enclave.  Everything in its time.


Rien a faire


Un jour

Pendant que M. Beckett dormait

Vladimir et Estragon ont decide 

A s’enfuir

On ne peut pas attendre une idée

Personne ne vient

Ils ont trouve un bar 

Pas très loin du banc

Ils ont bu beaucoup de vin

Pour être detendus

Et ils se sont rendus compte du mythe de Godot

Il n’y a pas de Godot

Ensuite, ils ont trouve du travail

Un bureau au gouvernement 

Mais, c’était très ennuyeux 

Donc, ils ont quitte leur emploi

Après, ils ont cherche

Une religion

Pour se contenter

Et ils ont trouve Jesus

En étant nouveau chrétiens

Mais rien n’a pas change dans leur vie

Ils ne comprenaient pas la religion

C’était la meme vie

Dans laquelle ils sont nés la premiere fois

Peut-être le sport, le football

Mais ils ne pouvaient pas comprendre

La competition

Les bagarres

Et ils sont devenus effrayes

Puis, ils sont allés a l’université 

Pour s’eduquer

La philosphie 

Mais ils ont devenu perplexes

Pas de réponses

Seulement les questions

Est-ce que M. Beckett avait raison?

Pour eux, il n’y a pas de difference

En cherchant la vie satisfaisante

Ou en attendant une vie satisfaisante

Ils sont retournes au banc

Rien n’est certain

Ni la vie, ni la joie, ni la satisfaction

Ils continuaient 

En attendant M. Godot

Parce qu’il n’y a rien d’autre a faire






Nefarious News

Sultan of Brunei imposes harsh Islamic criminal code

Carol J. Williams, The Los Angeles Times [Abridged]

May 1, 2014


The sultan of oil-rich Brunei announced the start of a new criminal code based on sharia law that will eventually prescribe punishments that include amputation and stoning, the first of Southeast Asia's predominantly Muslim countries to impose the harsh form of Islamic law.  Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah celebrated the new legal code as obedience to "God's command, as written in the Koran." Human rights advocates around the world have criticized the action as "draconian" and "medieval."

Under the first phase, fines and jail terms were introduced for offenses that include failure to attend Friday prayers, indecent behavior and pregnancies outside of marriage, the Star Online regional news site reported.  The law applies to those of all religions in the sultanate, where Muslim Malays constitute a 70% majority of the country's 400,000 citizens, the news agency reported. Non-Muslim Chinese account for about 15% of Brunei's population.  A second phase of the law, which will come into force later this year, provides for severing of limbs and flogging for property crimes. A third phase set for late 2015 will allow the justice system to sentence offenders to death by stoning for crimes including adultery and gay sex.



Sabbath Sermonette


"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."

Blaise Pascal




Jeudi rapidE


Last night was the Thursday open mic at Culture Rapide.  I read two new poems that are posted below.  It's almost time to do something with my collection of poetry.


A Floral Rape


Where have all the flowers gone?

Long time passing

Radical sixties

Ending a war

Quashing sexual mores

Embracing liberation

Grasping intangible peace

That elusive brotherhood


Free to be you and me

Then it stopped

In a corporate takeover

Time reversed

Diminished freedoms

War crimes forgotten


Proliferation of MBAs


Money is king

Idealism discredited

Capital rules

Wars become profits

The poor are poorer

The rich are richer

Big brother materializes

A  hero’s welcome


Where have the flowers gone?

Greed won

Empathy dissolved

Radical hopes morph

Hypocrisy blossoms

Walking backwards

With regressive joy

Trampling seeds.



Nothing to Do (translation of French version)


One day

while Beckett slept

Vladimir and Estragon ran away

idleness is barren

when waiting for an idea


Stumbling across a bar


lots of wine to relax

they realized 

Godot was a myth


So they found some work


eight hours plus lunch

terribly boring

so they quit


They sought elsewhere


they found Jesus

born-again christians

no change from the first birth


Maybe sports, soccer


the competition

the brawls

they became afraid


Off to university


discombobulation reigned

no answers, only questions

just like Beckett


No difference prevailed


illusions of change

they returned to the bench

to regroup


Nothing is certain

neither meaning

nor happiness

so they sat

loitering for Godot.




I happened upon a speech by Larry Kramer for the 20th anniversary of ACT-UP in which he gives a detailed snapshot of the devastating account of the 1980s AIDS pandemic that you won't find in the history books.  It's definitely worth a read.


downtown SLAM


Last night I went to my weekly French open mic.  Unfortunately, my comprehension has yet to increase further.  I need to make more of an effort to hang out with French people as the English speakers are dissolving my ability to speak French!  I read a satiric poem that I wrote in French (one of the regulars corrected my grammar) and it seemed to go over quite well.  I have posted it below along with the English translation.  Meanwhile, I am valiantly searching for work as I am determined to stay longer than my current six-month allows.  Hopefully my many years of administrative work will pay off, literally!  Of course, the lottery may still work in my favor :-)


Le plan américain 


La guerre est difficile

elle dure longtemps

beaucoup meurent

il y a trop de tristesse


Mais, les Etats-Unis

ont trouve d’autre moyens

pour conquérir le monde -

plus méchants qu’une guerre


La premiere chose:

nous construisons des restaurants




Burger King

Pizza Hut

pour grossir un pays

en créant un dependence

aux hamburgers

et autres fast-foods

les gens deviennent

plus gros, plus lent


Deuxième chose:

nous envoyons

Les Kardashians

a Paris

une famille folle

pour embrouiller

la vie intellectuelle

ensuite, l’intelligence baisse


Troisième chose:

nous envoyons beaucoup de touristes


en corrompant les langues et la mode

ils parlent le franglais, par exemple

ils portent les chemises et les shorts écossais


ils commandent filet mignon

avec du ketchup



chose extraordinaire:

nous envoyons 

des emissions de television



Desperate Housewives

les feuilletons, les soaps

et, bien sur, les Kardashians


C’est un plan ingénieux 

qui marche bien

sans la mort ou la destruction

peut-être, avec la folie et la degradation

néanmoins, la conquête

avec l’endoctrinement

mais, quelle joie! ces hamburgers

Alors, bon appétit!


The American Plan


War is difficult

it lasts a long time

many die

there is much sadness


But the United States

has found other means

to conquer the world —

even more devious than war



we are constructing restaurants




Burger King

Pizza Hutt

to fatten up other countries

and create a dependence

on hamburgers and other fast-foods

people in other countries will become

fatter, slower



we are sending the Kardashians

to Paris

a crazy family

to muddle up

the intellectual life

hence, intelligence is lowered



we are sending many tourists

around the world

corrupting languages and fashion

they speak franglais, for example

wearing plaid shirts and plaid shorts


they order filet mignon

with ketchup



we are sending American television



Desperate housewives

soap operas

and, of course, the Kardashians


It is an ingenious plan

which is working quite well

without death or destruction

only folly and degradation

nonetheless, it is conquest

by indoctrination

but the hamburgers give so much joy!

So, Bon appetit!



Nefarious News


Woman Stoned in Pakistan for Marriage




With all the brouhaha between the creationists and the evolutionists, I thought it was time to present the true story of creation -- directly from the source Himself.  I have very little time to share this as memory fades quickly so pretend it's all a dream and remember none of it...


Creation: A Movie Made in Heaven


It turns out that the creationists have been right all along.  God spoke to me in a dream last night and explained the big mystery.  He planned the whole thing in six days, as told in Genesis, because heaven was so boring that He needed a good laugh.  Apparently, Adam and Eve actually were the first two humans on earth.  God said that it would be far easier to have all humans born from incestuous relationships because He already knew how bizarre humans would act and at least they could blame genetic anomalies.


God explained that for Him, human life was like an interactive Netflix (or for a slightly older crowd, like interactive board games of Risk, Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit and Chutes & Ladders) — all for His entertainment.  Human history was nothing more than a movie which He could fast forward, reverse or edit, depending on His mood, since there is really no such thing as time.  God always got a big laugh by fiddling with one or more individuals.


During this incredible spiritual experience, I was permitted to ask God three questions.  After a few moments of contemplation, I came up with three questions that I felt would answer some of the great mysteries of the universe.  


1.  Who are Your favorite humans?


I would have to say politicians because they are able to manipulate others, almost as well as I, using the whole gamut of emotions to persuade large numbers of people that they actually care about them.  When I say politicians, I am also including all  the religious leaders as they are often able to stay one step ahead of the politicians in the accumulation of power, wealth and control.  I am in absolute hysterics when I watch the meanderings of these master criminals.  I am also in awe of Myself for having created such self-centered and devious control freaks.


I think I would say that My current favorites are Mother Theresa and that good ol’ boy, Jesus.  They were able to maintain powers of exploitation, thought control, and hypocrisy that they even surprised Me.  Yet Mother Theresa and Jesus were just cunning and conniving enough to come out on top as holy, saintly and revered..  And by the way, Jesus was not My son.  What kind of father would I be to kill my own son?  Joseph was the one who knocked up Mary and was forced into a stone-throwing (no shotguns yet) wedding by her father.  Give me question number two.


2.  Is the Bible actually the Word of You?


This is a great story.  About 4000 years ago, some of the younger Jews were asking the elder Jews to explain the meaning of life.  Since many of the ancients had treated them shabbily, the elders decided to go with a one-god storyline rather than the more common and beloved multiple gods scheme.  Now the elders had no idea what to say so they just made up stories to placate the young people.  I mean, toilets, electricity and television had yet to be invented.  Around the world people were defecating in their backyards and thinking the world might end when night came.  Because they knew nothing about the workings of the “universe,” I would provide them with opiates, marijuana and sometimes crack, and then whisper in their ears the most outrageous lies I could come up with and yet still tell them without bursting with laughter.  Since no one could read or write, these stories evolved orally — similar to the children’s game of Telephone — with complex and contradictory characters and events until I thought that it should all be written down knowing full well that the Catholic monks and priests would edit it later.


Some of the stories are true but most have been fabricated out of the seeds of mendacity that I had originally planted.  For example, Abraham and Moses were like great special effects guys.  Can you imagine that I would tell Abraham to kill his own son or knock up an old lady or cut off the foreskin of all the males?  For Christ’s sake, I specifically made the foreskin to enhance the respite of pleasure that I thought sex would provide —  a little break from evildoing.


Moses was one of my great actors.  Do you think that I would actually talk through a burning bush?  That would be a job for a total amateur.  And he created the ten commandments to stop the wandering Israelites from committing those exact crimes.  They were lost, bored, delirious from the heat and driving each other crazy so they got a little rambunctious.  And I didn’t stop him from reaching their promised land.  He was an old man, completely exhausted and he just died.  I might have played that better but I was watching the Egyptians build more pyramids and I lost track of some footage.


The whole Jesus story would take too much time but I wish I had already thought of the academy awards for he would have won best actor hands down.  Now, Mohammed gave Me a lot of laughs.  He wasn’t a very bright guy but with a few carefully chosen hallucinogens, I had him seeing golden plates and crazy visions — a trick I later used with Joseph Smith.  He went out conquering anybody and everybody around while amassing a slew of wives and convincing tribe after tribe that he was My final and greatest prophet.  Like many actors today, he wasn’t an intellectual but he could put on a fabulous show.  I think you get the drift, so on to the last question.


3.  Why do You allow wars, famine, disease, and all the other miseries of life?


The answer to that is a bit more complicated, kinda like a mystery/thriller novel.  As you might suspect, I made good and evil two sides of the same coin.  I needed to spice things up.  Genocide, wars, famines, droughts, life-threatening diseases and disastrous weather created intriguing shows of hypocrisy and pretension that I never expected.  I thought that some people would actually try to solve or prevent these natural calamities but I was wrong.  Just look at the right-wing Christians.  They are far more interested and fascinated by gay sex rather than feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, or abolishing poverty in general.  For Me, it was like those documentaries that reveal the corruption of governments, banks and big business while convincing the masses that they did it all for their benefit.  I definitely deserve an oscar for best movie of all time.  Plus, if everything was nice and rosy all the time I would be just as bored as I am with those choirs of angels singing all time — and often out of key!  


Well, I feel much better having confessed so many of My secrets to you.  But like any dream, you will forget all of this within a couple of days.  I’m going on vacation to hell next week - it's my version of Las Vegas - and it’s a long flight so I need some funny DVDs and I can’t take the chance that you’ll rat on Me and possibly destroy My game.  And FYI, no confessionals are sacred.  None of you can keep a secret for very long.  Besides, they would institutionalize you for coming up with such a crazy story.  Have a nice life!  As you have probably have heard, it’ll be over in the blink of eye — that’s My eye.  Bwa, ha, ha, ha.


Despite my inability to remember or share the story of creation for very long, I did get the last laugh.  I sold my soul to Lucifer in exchange for the destruction of God’s DVD player.  It'll be a long flight to hell for Him!





Sabbath Sermonette


"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."

Steve Jobs


Jeudi rapideE


It is truly amazing how much and how often heterosexuals flaunt their sexuality while gay people are always indicted for such behavior.  I think we've all heard the expression, "Oh, I don't have a problem with gay people as long as they don't flaunt it!"  Well, on Thursday night, the heterosexual flaunting was rampant.  Male-female relationships are so common that they really cease to be interesting.  I wanted to scream at some of these people that their stories were just more cliches.  But I didn't.  I guess I am far too tolerant.  I, in turn, read my story about creation as told by the Almighty as well as the English version of The American Plan -- both eliciting some giggles and guffaws.